New Nightlife Control Ordinance Starts in Venice

The measure is currently in force from June 21 to August 25. Residents’ committees are satisfied and say they are already seeing improvements through cooperation with police. Councilor Costalonga: “This ordinance is of fundamental importance for the well-being of the city and of those who live there”

By Marta Artico

June 21, 2024

A stop to annoying nightlife. The Municipality’s new ordinance, shared with categories and committees, comes into force starting from Friday, June 21 until August 25 (and subsequently for another two months), putting limits on nightlife in Venice and Mestre in the areas with the greatest number of bars and restaurants.

Among the new features is a ban on giving drinks to anyone who is not sitting inside or in the outdoor seating after 1AM, to avoid people wandering around streets and squares with a glass in their hand, disturbing the public peace.

While nothing is changing for the central area of the mainland, in Venice the limitations extend to the activities found in the Strada Nuova area, between Corte dei Pali (formerly Testori) and Campo Santi Apostoli, Campo “drio la Chiesa”, Campiello Flaminio Corner, Calle and Sotoportego Dolfin and Corte and Calle del Remer.

These areas are in addition to Rialto Bella Vienna, Santa Margherita and San Pantalon, Fondamente degli Ormesini and della Misericordia, as well as the areas of Toletta, Bari, Via Garibaldi and Piazzale Roma with their respective neighborhoods.

The ordinance specifies that entertainment and loud music must stop after 11pm. And the venues must have dedicated staff to ensure the supervision of the outdoor seating and the safety of customers.

What’s more, like last year, last call is at half past one, and closing at two in the morning. But the most significant change is that after 1 AM venues will no longer be able to give drinks to anyone who is not sitting inside or outside the venue.

The president of the Damage from Nightlife Committee Martina Zennaro and National Coordinator Fabrizio Coniglio commented on the ordinance, both satisfied with the agreement reached with the councilors and local police. “In the next few days we will make ourselves available to check the progress to communicate with the police if some venues have not implemented the new rules, in the spirit of collaboration that has distinguished us, and thanking them for their work, which is already producing some improvements”.

“This ordinance” clarifies the councilor for Productive Activities Sebastiano Costalonga “is of fundamental importance for the well-being of the city and of those who live there. This year we have broadened the range of areas affected and added the obligation for venue owners to only serve customers who consume inside their premises or are in their outdoor seating after 1am, thus limiting the source of source of disturbance for the residents of the affected areas”.

“This is a fair balance between residents’ right to rest and the possibility of enjoying nightlife responsibly”, commented Security Councilor Elisabetta Pesce.

Source: La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre

One thought on “New Nightlife Control Ordinance Starts in Venice

  1. But how long will this ordinance be enforced? Tour groups of more than 25 are now banned yet every day around midday we can see from our window a tour group of around 40. Rules like this are treated with contempt and sadly there is no proper ongoing enforcement of them…


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